Project Description

The Challenge

The team at Integrity IT had never asked their customers for referrals before. They’ve earned a reputation as a top-notch IT partner and have built up a strong, loyal client base over their 17-year history. They like and trust their customers, and they wanted to find a way to find more businesses like their existing client base. It was important to Integrity that this referral program not just be an ask—it needed to say thank you, too.

The Goal

Create an interesting, engaging client gift that would encourage new client referrals.

The Plan

We came up with a concept that included two gifts: one for Integrity’s clients to enjoy, and another to share. To make it easy for Integrity, we packed everything up in one customized box. Pretend you’re one of Integrity’s clients—let’s walk through the process.

Step 1: Receive the box
What a nice surprise! Hand-delivered by your friendly Integrity IT account manager, it’s a hefty box with custom branding and playful vinyl decals. What’s inside?

Step 2: Open the box
Break the paper seal and open the lid. What’s this? A gift for you? It says so right on the sleeve! There’s a hand-addressed note tucked inside, thanking you for your business and asking you to share the love. Best of all, there’s a box of Woodford Reserve bourbon balls! Way better than candy hearts.

Step 3: Dig in—and share
Pull out the box of bourbon balls and discover—could it be?—another box of bourbon balls! They’re clearly labeled “A Gift for a Friend,” so you share them with your buddy, who has a business about the size of yours and was just talking the other day about how he needed some IT help.

Step 4: Everybody’s happy
You and your team enjoy your box of bourbon balls. Your friend enjoys his box of bourbon balls, and contacts Integrity IT to talk about their services. Integrity is happy to have the opportunity to pitch to a new potential customer, and they take him out for coffee. He decides to hire Integrity, which makes them very happy. As another token of their appreciation, Integrity treats your team to breakfast. Which makes your team even happier, because they went through those bourbon balls pretty fast.

The Results

The box received praise from Integrity’s internal team and their clients, too. One client business even posted about it on Facebook, boosting Integrity’s profile and increasing the reach of the project even more. We think the positive reception came from the box’s balance of candid friendliness and polished professionalism—in short, it’s Integrity IT’s personality in box form. There’s no better way to make new friends.

Let’s Work Together